Heart and vascular surgeons in Manchester, New Hampshire

As a nationally recognized destination for heart and vascular care, we provide highly skilled surgical services and personalized treatment plans.

At Catholic Medical Center, our compassionate, award-winning specialists include board-certified cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and nurse practitioners. We provide you with the latest and most advanced treatment options in the region.

Conditions we treat with surgery

We offer a range of procedures to treat conditions that include:

  • Aortic disease
  • Atrial fibrillation (AFib)
  • Advanced heart failure
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Heart valve disease
  • Vascular disease

Our cardiovascular surgical procedures

Cardiovascular surgery, also known as cardiac surgery or heart surgery, refers to any surgical procedure involving the heart or the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart.

Our board-certified surgeons specialize in cardiac, thoracic and vascular procedures and have extensive experience in performing open-heart procedures.

In 1996, we became the site of the first beating heart surgery in northern New England. Today, we are one of the region's busiest center's for beating heart surgery, performing more than 90 percent of heart bypass surgeries performed on a beating heart without the use of a heart-lung machine. This approach can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Our surgeons have performed more than 25,000 open heart procedures and are dedicated to providing you a detailed treatment plan, easing anxiety and building confidence for both you and your family.

Minimally invasive treatment options

We offer a range of procedures for heart and vascular conditions and issues. For CAD, our surgical team performs the following procedures:

  • Coronary stent – Also called a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). During this minimally invasive procedure, a catheter is sent to the site of the blockage to open up the artery to restore blood flow.
  • Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) treatment for CAD– Complex calcium can be challenging when trying to treat CAD. The presence of calcium increases the complexity of CAD and alters the effectiveness of treatment. The technology of lithotripsy — using shockwaves or lasers to break up hardened masses in your body — has been used effectively for more than 30 years to treat kidney and gallstones. This same approach can be used to treat complex calcium in your coronary arteries. We are proud to be named one of three sites in the Northeast — and the only one north of Boston — to provide a new technology that uses shockwaves to treat CAD. This energy-based catheter creates sonic pressure waves that travel through soft tissue, safely cracking calcium in the diseased artery. This technology is a major advance in the treatment of CAD.

Heart surgery procedures we offer

A coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) can reroute blood flow around a blocked artery. Bypass surgery improves blood flow around severely blocked arteries and alleviates the symptoms of coronary artery/heart disease. During the surgery, a portion of the artery or vein is taken from another part of your body. This is called grafting. One end of the graft is attached to your aorta (the major blood vessel in your body), and the other end is sewn to your coronary artery, beyond the blockage. The result is a new pathway — a bypass — for blood to flow to the heart. One or more grafts may be used depending on the number and extent of the blockage.

In many situations, bypass surgery can safely and effectively be performed without using the heart-lung machine. This is referred to as "beating heart" or off-pump coronary artery bypass (CABG) surgery. Our surgeons perform both on-pump and off-pump bypass surgery based on your needs and the severity of the CAD.

Procedures for heart valve disease

Depending on various factors, if you need valve repair or replacement, a minimally invasive approach may be recommended. We have a leading program for minimally invasive treatments for both valve repair and replacement, including:

  • Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)
  • MitraClip
  • Percutaneous mitral valve replacement

Surgical procedures for heart valve issues

Heart valve surgery is usually performed through an incision in your chest. We may recommend heart valve repair, when possible, to preserve your valve and improve your heart function.

In certain cases, the valve must be replaced. There are various types of heart valves available. Your heart team will discuss the options with you and decide which is best for you. With successful surgery, you can expect relief from your symptoms, excellent long-term durability, and, often, a return to your active lifestyle.

Procedures for advanced heart failure

Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are mechanical pumps implanted in the lower heart chambers (the left or right ventricles) to help the heart pump blood to the rest of the body. Heart surgeons can place VADs in either heart chamber, but are most frequently implanted in the left ventricle (LVAD).

Procedures for arrhythmias

Cardiac ablation

Cardiac ablation is a minimally invasive procedure designed to correct abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) by creating targeted scar tissue within the heart. These scars serve as electrical barriers, interrupting abnormal electrical signals and restoring normal rhythm.

Traditionally, cardiac ablation is performed using techniques such as radiofrequency ablation, which involves burning heart tissue, or cryoablation, which involves freezing it. Both methods aim to disrupt the faulty electrical pathways causing the arrhythmia.

Maze procedure for Atrial fibrillation (AFib)

AFib is a condition where the upper chambers of the heart (atria) beat out of sync. It happens when the electrical impulses that control contraction are faulty. This fast, irregular heart rhythm can reduce the heart’s ability to effectively pump blood. Blood may pool, which can lead to blood clots. These clots can travel to other places in the body causing, stroke and other medical issues.

Multiple treatments are available for AFib. Some mild cases may be treated with medication. Others may require minimally invasive treatment performed by an electrophysiologist (a doctor who specializes in heart rhythm disorders). In cases where you already require open-heart surgery for another condition (e.g., coronary artery disease or heart valve disease), our cardiac surgeons can perform the Maze procedure. The surgeon uses special instruments both on the outside and inside of the heart that disrupt abnormal electrical pathways to help the heart beat in a normal rhythm.

To learn more about our Heart and Vascular Surgery services, call us at (603) 665-2470.